Customer Testimonials

We always do our best to take the headaches out of grain purchasing for our customers. We respect their privacy, so we're not sharing any names, but here's what we hear from some of our long-time customers.


"'I used to dread grinding day - the mess, the headache, the consistency issues. I really just wanted to focus on distilling. With Gold Stone Mill's grain, I can do that."
 - Head Distiller, TN


"I appreciate that the grain is clean and high quality, and Gold Stone Mill takes care of the freight for me. It's great to only pay one bill, no separate freight for my accounting to deal with."     
 - Purchaser, IL


"We've been experimenting with different grinds for better yield and easier cleanup. Gold Stone Mill has been our partner every step of the way, blending when needed, making adjustments and checking in on our progress. We're seeing great results." 
- Owner/Head Distiller, WI


"Our yield increase was almost unbelievable when we tried Gold Stone Mill's product rather than just buying the cheapest grain we could find. We had to check our instruments. Really, clean grain like theirs is a game changer."
- Head Distiller/Purchaser, FL


"The service has been amazing. We use a combo of white corn and rye in one of our blends, and they were able to custom blend it and put it in 50lb sacks, then they even switched it to blended supersacks to match our evolving production process. I can't imagine going back to doing it all in-house and still maintain our current efficiency. So pleased."
- Head Distiller, WI


If we can help eliminate any of the headaches in your operation with our high-quality grain and personal service, we hope you'll get in touch.grain